training plan:
2 hours
- Overview of broadband wireless access
- Evolution, versions, standardization, features
2 hours
- PHY - physical layer
3 hours
- MAC - media access control layer
- ARQ, MAC messages, handover
2 hours
- WiMAX other features
- Power management, QoS, security
1 hours
- Advanced antenna techniques
2 hours
- Comparison between WiMAX, 3G and other technologies
- Future
training information:
Training Target
- Basic understanding of WiMAX technology and terminology used
- Description of main methods and principles
Who Should Attend
- Persons who would like to obtain a basic technical overview of new technology for broadband wireless access
- Understanding of wireless technologies and mobile networks on a general overview level
- Incorporation of WiMAX into broadband wireless technologies
- Evolution and standardization of fixed and mobile WiMAX
- Description of PHY and MAC layer
- Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
- Comparison of WiMAX and other broadband access technologies (UMTS, LTE, DSL, ...)
Training Environment
- Max. 12 students per course
- Training materials are provided
- The course may be adapted in content according to customer needs, adaptations not requiring modification of training materials are provided at no extra charge (-C,-S)
- Additional after-class consultation and discussion following each course day's training are provided free of charge
- Lunch and refreshment are provided for courses held at Trainingpoint facilities (-C, -O)
- Lunch and refreshment are provided by customers for courses held at their facilities (-S)
- Up to x hours' free consultation after the course for the entire company (x = number of training days + 1) (-C,-S)
- E-mail consultations after classes are possible (-O)