training plan:
1 hours
- Digital signal multiplexing, system overview
2 hours
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH/SONET
- Transmission formats, their capacity, network elements, configuration, backup
2 hours
- Ethernet - topology, frames, network elements
- Ethernet in EoSDH networks
1 hours
- OTH - Optical Transport Hierarchy
3 hours
- Path configuration in SDH network
- EoSDH configuration
- Synchronization configuration in SDH network
3 hours
- SDH measurement
- Ethernet testing
- Next Generation SDH testing
training information:
Training Target
- Learn the next generation transport network - SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy), OTH (Optical Transport Hierarchy), Ethernet basics and EoSDH (Ethernet over SDH) concept
- Obtain a practical experience with diagnostics and measurement of SDH and Ethernet systems
- Partner of practical part of training is company PROFiber Networking
Who Should Attend
- Persons who need to understand SDH and OTH in more detail
- Basic knowledge of telecommunications
- Digital systems multiplexing and hierarchy
- Functions and features of SDH/SONET and OTH transport networks
- Digital network synchronization, jitter, wander
- Ethernet over SDH (EoSDH) concept
- BER analysis, performance monitoring
- Practical configuration of SDH
- Practical SDH measurement (continuity test, BER, synchronization, signal autodetection, etc.) and Ethernet testing (RFC2544, BER, frame analysis)
Training Environment
- Max. 10 students per course
- Training materials are provided
- The course may be adapted in content according to customer needs, adaptations not requiring modification of training materials are provided at no extra charge (-C)
- Additional after-class consultation and discussion following each course day's training are provided free of charge
- Lunch and refreshment are provided for courses held at Trainingpoint facilities (-C, -O)
- Up to x hours' free consultation after the course for the entire company (x = number of training days + 1) (-C)
- E-mail consultations after classes are possible (-O)